Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"Baby 'cured' of HIV: New details offer hope for other patients"

Recently a 3-year-old girl was labeled the first human to be cured of HIV through genetic therapy. A mix of three different antiretroviral drugs was prescribed at only a few days old. After stopping the treatment for 18 months, there was no longer any HIV present in the little girl. The cocktail of drugs as well as the early treatment is figured to work because it stopped HIV from being able to latch onto the immune system and take over. Infants born with HIV is very rare in the United States, but around the world about 1000 people are born with HIV each day. The new early treatment strategy could play a big part in helping to eliminate other HIV infected babies.
Los Angeles Times -,0,2346578.story#axzz2ibMz98mM

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