Thursday, November 21, 2013

"New waterproof surface is 'driest ever'"

From the same lab that recently created the LiquiGlide no-stick ketchup bottle, comes a new kind of hydrophobic surface. The new surface material is based on replicating the natural "gold standard" of water shedding, the lotus leaf. The new discovery is a surface pattern that can be easily added to many materials including metals, fabrics, and ceramics. The weaving pattern for fabrics that replicate this pattern are currently being developed and could be the next big thing coming out. The super hydrophobic surface works by causing incoming raindrops to quickly break apart into many smaller drops on contact and throwing the droplets outward. The list of things that can be improved with the new material is endless; tents, clothing, sportswear, and non-icing airplane engines are a few of the possibilities.

Link To BBC Article (includes a video of the material shedding water):

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